
The Healing Arts 

The Healing Arts consists of many different therapies & modalities that have been developed over the millenniums of human expression on this planet. All modalities have their place and can be used in combination or on their own. Sometimes natural healing therapies will do the trick, and sometimes a coalition with western medicine is the best course of action to regain or improve health.  


Natural healing methods are the oldest on the planet and use the medicines of the plants and gentle therapies to bring a person back to a state of balance. Just as a point of interest, 80% of the world's population use traditional, natural healing methodologies as their primary source of health care. 


Natural healing is all about living in balance, viewing us as an entire eco-system. Our emotions, thoughts and soul expression are as much a part of us as our physical body, so it makes sense to address the whole being.


What does that mean exactly? 


Holistic viewing entails examining patterns of thinking, emotional balance, physical issues, spiritual well-being, and other more nuanced aspects of life. Our DNA is implicitly involved, as well as past lives that may be affecting our present life. Our work environment, family and social life may all need to be addressed if there are imbalances. There are many factors to consider. To further understand this concept read my article.


'Your Body is the Landscape of your Soul'

A healer's job is to listen, observe and choose the best tools in their medicine bag, and sometimes adding in other healers' skillsets to give a truly personalized program. It is essential to know that all of us here on this planet have health issues of one sort or another. It's just the nature of being human! Please remember it can take time, effort, support and care to heal, so be patient and compassionate with yourself and others. 

It takes time to become a healer. As I progress through this life, I have realized that a move to self-sufficiency is important. To this end, the Green Witch courses are available at the Academy for all who wish to become more self reliant and able to manage the vast majority of everyday ailments. There are stand-alone courses such as Salve & Balms (coming soon) as well as more comprehensive Home Healer courses available.  

I am always available for a chat. Please call or email if you are experiencing problems and want help with your health and wellbeing. 

Scroll down for a little bit about me and to read a few testimonials. 

(c) Wendolyn Murdoch



About Wendolyn

I love being a healer! Besides a good meal and a glass of wine, my greatest delight is to help people feel better. 

My medicine bag is full of different healing therapies: Lightwork, Herbology, Iridology and more than twenty-five years of experience as a holistic practitioner and herbalist. 

It has been my privilege to have studied with a loving collective of spirit, the Council of Elders, for over 25 years.  As well, my mentorship with another collective in spirit known as the Council of Healers has trained me in ways I could not have otherwise accessed. 


These two groups have helped me learn natural healing methods and have instructed me on how our societies can impact our personal well-being. Therefore, I have many streams coming into one river; the healing modalities I have studied flowing in perfect harmony with the deep understandings of how our spirit manifests on this beautiful planet. It has been a fantastic journey for which I am most grateful. 


Most days, you will find me at the Apothecary decked out in one of my many aprons, brewing and compounding the earth's medicines. My shelves are full of jars stuffed with herbs, bottles of yummy tinctures and a collection of aromatic healing salves and balms. Poultices have been wrapped up and frozen for sore muscles and injuries that come with the winter months. Aromas of all sorts fill the air. Ah, home to me! 


    'How I love my work! '            

I live nestled in the woods of Oakendell, our home in Warkworth, Ontario, with my husband of many years, Jim.  We live a simple life, tending our gardens, me spinning yarn on my spinning wheel, and enjoying the animals and trees surrounding us.    

What People Say