
Wild Violet Recipes

Wild Violet Recipes

Those little, wild, purple violets are among the first flowers to appear at the beginning of spring to fill your garden or in my case my lawn with a wonderful flowery scent. Take a moment and pick some of the flowers and leaves and make some easy herbal products. 

Wild violets can be made into cough syrups, healing salves, body butter, honey and so much more.  Check out the recipes below.  Easy peasy indeed!


Wild Violet Vinegar Recipe


How to make Wild Violet Vinegar

1.      For making the vinegar collect a handful or two of wild violets, depending on how much vinegar you want to infuse.

2.      When your jar is half way full of the flowers add the vinegar and  fill the jar.  I would suggest using white wine vinegar or white balsamic vinegar as they are milder in taste. 


3.      Put a lid on the jar.  If you are using a metal canning lid, put a square of parchment paper between the lid and the jar, as the metal can react with the vinegar.

4.      Place the jar in a cool and dark place for a week or two. After a few days you will notice the vinegar turning a light shade of pink that will eventually get darker over time.

5.      Strain the vinegar through a wire strainer or through some muslin cloth and store in a glass bottle or jar.   Wild violet vinegar will store for a year at least.


Wild Violet Vinaigrette Recipe


·         3 tablespoons of oil

·         2 tablespoons of violet vinegar

·         1 teaspoon of maple syrup

·         salt & pepper to taste

Shake together in a jar and let stand for twenty or thirty minutes so the flavors meld together. Shake again and pour over your salad. Yum!

NOTE: This is a simple vinaigrette recipe so you get the flavor of the violet. However you can add other ingredients such as garlic or green onion if you wish to jazz it up!

Wild Violet Honey

This supercharged wild violet tonic honey might help you to ease seasonal allergies or ease a sore throat.

Yield: 1 jar 250 ml



   1 cups fresh violet blossoms

   1 cup raw honey



1. Place 1 cup of fresh violet blossoms into a small jar and pour over the raw honey.

2. Remove air bubbles with the knife and let it sit for one week to allow a proper violet infusion.

3. After one week strain the flowers through cheesecloth (warm the honey little bit up to 40 Celsius for easier separation.

 4. Or leave the flowers in and eat them together with honey. The infused tonic honey should last up to 1 year.

USES: Use 1 tbsp a day to ease seasonal allergies. You can also add it to the warm tea. The soothing action of violet and honey can ease a sore throat. Use 1 tbsp three times a day

 Note that raw honey is not recommended to use for kids younger than one year of age


 Wild Violet Cough Syrup for Dry Hacking cough


*2 tablespoons of dried wild violet leaves or 4 tablespoons of cut up        fresh wild violet leaves 

*2 tablespoons dried plantain leaf or 4 tablespoons fresh

*2 tablespoons thyme leaf, dried or 4 tablespoons fresh

*1 to 2 cups of water

*1 cup raw, local honey (more if you wish your syrup to be thicker  and not so sweet)

1. Prepare an infusion or tea using 1 to 2 cups of water and the plantain leaves, wild violet leaves and thyme leaves. 

2. Steep for at least 1 hour though not more than 8 hours.

3. Strain with a tea strainer, cheesecloth, or French press and return the liquid to the saucepan.

4. Add the honey to the liquid in your saucepan.

5. Warm the mixture just slightly to enable the liquid and honey to mix. (not heating above 110 degrees Fahrenheit)

6. Transfer syrup into a clean, dry, sterilized glass bottle(s) or jar(s) (ideally, a dark-coloured jar or bottle to protect from          light exposure) using a sterilized funnel.

10. Label and store in the refrigerator.


To Use: Take 1 tablespoon every 4 hours for adults, 1 teaspoon every 4 hours for older children. (Children under the age of two should not have honey. Use an alternative sweetener for children under two) 


NOTE:  I added marshamllow root and Licorice root to my syrup as I had it in stock. 

Shelf Life: Up to 1 year in the fridge

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